Recipe in English below!
Our new friend Malin on Sugar Coated balance baking, job, family and two children. How how anyone has time with more than one child is a mystery to me. Lille Marco (2 year) usually look at all of our time is full menoj huh delightful it is. The funny thing is that he started to like to be in the kitchen when we cook. He counters happy, and long, but when it shall become a pastry case then it is he who stir together salt and flour (or rather concerns the flour out of the bowl…), funny as hell and what does it do if you have a little flour on the floor. I'm really looking forward to bake together and I really hope he'll like it. Första förklädet innhandlades för några veckor sedan vilket kommer väl till pass just när man diskar.
Malin has developed a Just med Cheesecake Dulce de leche applen. Just Dulce de Leche and apples's a combo that we really like. Guaranteed a dessert that anyone will be invited on with us, simple is good. The recipe can be found, except with Malin, here, under bilden.
Fotograf Malin
Prescription 4-6 st portioner
Dulce de leche Applen
- 4 peeled and cored apples
- 1 knob of butter
- A pinch each of ground cardamom and ground cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons Pampas deli Dulce De Leche for baking
Slice the apples into medium sized pieces and fry them in butter on medium heat,, sprinkle with cardamom and cinnamon, rör runt i stekpannan ett par gånger tills äpplena börjat mjukna.
When the apples become soft click the DDL to the pan and stir around so that DDL:n täcker äpplena Ta av från värmen och ställ åt sidan och låt svalna.
Digestive and hazelnut crumbs
- 5 digestivekex
- 1 dl hasselnötter
- 2 tablespoons melted butter
Run hazelnuts and digestive biscuits in a food processor until it is crumbled, but still have chunkier pieces left. Alternatively, coarsely chop the hazelnuts with a sharp knife and mix them with digestivekexen you crumble with your hands. Blanda sist ner det smälta smöret.
Place the mixture in the bottom of the glasses / cans
Cheesecake kräm
- 1 ask philadelphiaost 200 gram
- 2 cup heavy cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
- 0,5 -1 cup powdered sugar (taste of how sweet you want it for me it only took a half cup but my sugar sweet girlfriend wanted more)
Whisk all ingredients in a large bowl with a whisk until you get a smooth fluffy cream. övervispa inte.
Pour a little cream over smulbotten. Layering then apples, cream and crumbs in cans, avsluta med äpplena.
Servera direkt eller låt stå kallt i kylen fram tills servering.
In English:
Malin who rund the blog Sugar Coated has created a very nice dessert, a simple cheesecake with Dulce de leche apples, how does that sounds? To us it sounds amazing. The combination of dulce, apples and simple is just great ;D
Recipe 4-6 servings
Dulce de leche apples
- 4 pealed and stoned apples
- 1 tablespoon of butter
- one pinched each of ground cardamom and cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons of Pampas deli Dulce De Leche for bakning
Slice the apples in medium pieces and roast them in the butter on middle heat. Sprinkel the apples with the cardamom and cinnamon. Stir in the pan a couple of times and roast them till they start to get soft.
Add the Dulce de leche and stir till the apples covers all the apples. Remove from the heat and let it cool.
Digestive och hazelnut crumble
- 5 digestive crackers
- 100 ml of hazelnuts
- 2 tablespoons of melted butter
Mix the hazelnuts and crackers in a food processor until it’s a crumble that still have some pieces. Alternatively chop the nuts with a sharp knife and crumble the crackers with your hands.
Mix with the butter. Put the crumble in the bottom of the serving glasses.
Cheesecake cream
- 200 grams of cream cheese
- 200 ml of whipping cream
- 1 tbsp of vanilla powder
- 50 -100 cl of icing sugar (sweeten according to your taste)
Whisk all the ingredients together in a big bowl. Which untill yo have a smooth, fluffy cream. Do not whisk too much.
Put the cream and the apples in layers in the glasses, start with the cream and finish with some apples.